TO: Participants, Sponsors, Exhibitors, Speakers, and Panelists
SUBJECT: Cancellation: 2020 Engaging Rural Communities Conference; April 2-3, New Braunfels Texas
DATE: 16 March 2020
Due to updated CDC recommendations on gatherings of no more than 50 face-to-face participants, as of today, the 2020 Engaging Rural Communities Conference is CANCELLED. In light of rapid situational changes and the intentional brevity of our schedule, we have decided not to move this year’s content to an alternative online format.
Hotel Reservation Cancellations: All conference hotel room reservations within our conference block at the Courtyard Marriot – New Braunfels River Village are also being cancelled. If you provided the hotel with an email address, you are to be receiving confirmation of your room reservation cancellation. Please communicate with the hotel, should you need to rebook your room reservation for other purposes.
Conference Registration Cancellations: Conference registration cancellations are being managed through Texas A&M AgriLife Conference Services, who will be communicating with registered participants shortly. Please look for correspondence from their team members via email.
Though disappointing, our decision to cancel this year’s event is the right thing to do. We want to thank all sponsors, exhibitors, speakers/panelists, and participants who agreed to take the time and create such a positive difference through our Engaging Rural Communities Conference.
Note: We believe our conference program was set to greatly serve our rural community interests. We are working to move a number of our regular face-to-face programs to an updated online format. Please visit our social media and website for updates in the weeks ahead. A heartfelt thank you to you for caring so much about the future of rural Texas.
Very sincerely yours,
Craig Rotter, Ph.D
Executive Director
750 I-35, New Braunfels, TX 78130 830-626-4700 |